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Matches: 69

Review: 'Medieval' goes, well, medieval in this violent historical film
December 6, 2022
Review: Relive the time of your life with the 4K UHD version of 'Dirty Dancing'
August 23, 2022
Review: 'Invincible' falls far short of being unbeatable
March 16, 2022
Review: Your good taste will 'Vanquish' Morgan Freeman's latest effort
April 27, 2021
Review: 'Doom Patrol: Season Two' is a dysfunctional winner
January 26, 2021
Review: 'The Spanish Princess' regales in Tudor splendor
August 20, 2019
Review: 'Hereditary' joins a growing list of new horror classics
September 4, 2018
Review: Jim Carrey goes dark for 'Dark Crimes'
July 31, 2018
Review: Disney bestows Signature status on 'The Lion King'
August 29, 2017
Review: 'Star Wars Rebels: Season 3' basks in nostalgia
August 29, 2017
Review: '3:10 to Yuma' proves that 4K was made for westerns
May 2, 2017
Best movies of 2016 that you don't know about yet: Dannette's list
January 22, 2016
Monday Mixer: 'The Force Awakens' bigger than expected
December 21, 2015
Monday Mixer: This 'Deed' was 'Good' indeed
September 15, 2014
Monday Morning Mixer: 'Divergent' delivers on massive expectations
March 24, 2014
Monday Morning Mixer: 300 'Rises' up once more
March 10, 2014
Monday Morning Mixer: A sad day indeed
February 3, 2014
Monday Morning Mixer: 'Frozen' douses 'Fire's flames
December 9, 2013
Monday Morning Mixer: Justin Bieber as Robin?
September 16, 2013
Project 52: 'The Guilt Trip'
May 31, 2013
The mystery surrounding 'Tomorrowland' deepens
March 4, 2013
Twelve-hour 'Twilight' marathon through the eyes of a reluctant Twi-hard
November 30, 2012
Monday Morning Mixer: A Three Horse Race
September 24, 2012
Double Wide Trailers: 'Red Dawn'
August 13, 2012
FUDGE! 'A Christmas Story 2' hitting DVD in October
August 10, 2012
Monday Morning Mixer: No bustin' for this 'Ghostbuster'
August 6, 2012
2012 Film Olympics: Love-Love
August 4, 2012
'Prometheus' is truly an enigma wrapped inside a riddle
June 13, 2012
Classic Hollywood rules Oscars as 'The Artist', 'Hugo' are big winners
February 27, 2012
'Hugo' scores big with 11 Oscar nominations
January 24, 2012
'The Artist' is top dog at the Golden Globes
January 16, 2012
Golden Globes heap nominations on movies that have two-word titles starting with 'The'
December 15, 2011
We grill the experts at AwardsCircuit.com for Oscar answers
November 18, 2011
GBU: A double dose of the UGLY
October 18, 2011
New 'Rum Diary' poster is worth a thousand words
September 26, 2011
Double Wide Trailers: 'The Mechanic'
November 17, 2010
Film Funnies #2: Nobody puts Iron Man in a corner -- and much more
September 20, 2010
Better alternatives to the gimmicky 'Grease Sing-A-Long'
July 8, 2010
You, yes you, could direct a Sundance film
July 7, 2010
Review: Jeremy Piven revs his comedy engine in 'The Goods'
November 23, 2009
MMA star and 'District 9' unknown to join 'A-Team'?
September 10, 2009
Topless Robot's Top 10 failed movie toys and our thoughts
May 20, 2009
Roger Ebert picks the 20 best movies of 2008
December 8, 2008
Long live DVD... for five more years
October 23, 2008
Our top 10 movie back stories that may or may not make a good movie
August 14, 2008
'Presto' is latest in Pixar's series of magical short films (WALL-E preview)
June 20, 2008
Your Turn: Recycling my youth as garbage
June 5, 2008
Trailer for 'Clone Wars' to hit TV tomorrow
May 7, 2008
Is Clint Eastwood doing another Dirty Harry movie?
March 20, 2008
Our predictions for 2008's biggest box office movies
January 11, 2008
First look of Mike Myers as 'The Love Guru'
October 24, 2007
Pinhead to return in new 'Hellraiser'
October 16, 2007
Review: 'Immagine In Cornice' is anything but a 'Life Wasted'
September 24, 2007
10 under 10 (degrees): The best movies to take the chill off this heat wave
August 17, 2007
First 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' poster revealed
May 18, 2007
Redford and Newman eyeing a new project
August 26, 2005
AFI picks the 100 best movie quotes of all-time
June 22, 2005
Anne Bancroft passes away at 73
June 7, 2005
'Titanic' tops list of cheesiest movie lines
December 7, 2004
Jack Black rocks, 'Rings' rolls at Oscars
March 1, 2004
Rumors About Darth Vader's Beginning Have Root In The Past
January 27, 2003
AFI To Honor Good And Evil
November 14, 2002
The Force Approaches
May 2, 2002
Liam Neeson To Return In 'Episode II'
December 28, 2001
'Jedi Knight' A Religion?
October 12, 2001
Angelina Goes From Womb To 'Tomb'
August 20, 2001
Freddie's Fake Fanny
August 20, 2001
De Niro Boots Rowdy Restaurant Guests
April 3, 2001
Chris Rock: Never At A Loss For Words
March 30, 2001