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Drunk & drugged driving. The danger is real – and it can wreak life-changing devastation anytime, anywhere, in the blink of an eye. The destruction ripples out, impacting two out of three people in their lifetime. Every 2 Minutes someone is injured in a drunk or drugged crash. Every 51 Minutes, someone is killed. It’s dangerous, deadly, and can set up kids to deal with the police, lawyers, jail time, or a lifetime living with a criminal record. Impaired driving isn’t limited to just alcohol. Drugged driving can come from use of legal substances, over the counter medication, street drugs and even marijuana. Teens are going to experiment, most try alcohol and others try non prescribed medication, marijuana, or street drugs. Using substances are dangerous enough, but driving or being in a vehicle operated by an intoxicated driver, can be deadly. A vehicle can kill, cause incredible physical damage to yourself and others, they can explode into a fire upon impact, create wreckage to property, cripple people and can put the offender in jail. The damage you create by driving drunk or any substance can last a lifetime

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Released by TMW Media Group. See more credits.