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MR. LOBO'S CINEMA INSOMNIA: In the tradition of vintage horror host shows, Mr. Lobo appears in brief vignettes in between segments of the late night movie in this nationally syndicated television series. Various odd companions and characters have appeared over the show's 18-year tour of duty– such as houseplant Miss Mittens and a female robot monster named Ro-Mana. Cinema Insomnia has been seen on hundreds of local television and cable channels, and Mr. Lobo is a regular guest at conventions like Wondercon and Monster Bash. He was even parodied in an episode of Scooby-Doo. Known as an advocate for "Bad Movies", Mr. Lobo lives by the motto, "They're not bad movies...just misunderstood."

Mr. Lobo hosts the world premiere of A Hard Day's Nightmare, a new horror monster musical in the tradition of Del Tenney's The Horror of Party Beach and Ray Dennis Steckler's The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies! Rock band Clamhawk Manor is a critically acclaimed and commercially successful act - but only among monsters! That's right, the band's fanbase is made of vampires, werewolves and Frankenstein monsters! Can the Fang Four survive long enough to play a show at the historic Creepsville West? Mr. Lobo keeps it rockin' with retro commercials, drive-in snack bar ads and his usual off-color commentary!

Not Rated.

Released by Alpha Home Entertainment/Gotham. See more credits.