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Ghosts of Attica

2019 Documentary Not Rated 90 Minutes

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On DVD September 3, 2019

Attica. Like Watergate and Vietnam, it is an icon of recent history. Gov. Rockefeller's brutal re-taking of the prison-a nine-minute, 1600-bullet assault that took the lives of 29 inmates and 10 guards held hostage-put an end to the four-day rebellion. But the struggles for justice, by both prisoners and guards, endured for three decades. Eventually inmates wrested a historic $12-million settlement from the state, and that bittersweet victory spurred a new round of agitation by guards and their survivors.

GHOSTS OF ATTICA offers a definitive account of America's most violent prison rebellion, its suppression, and the days of torture that ensued-using exclusive, just-released images, documents, and interviews. More than just a history film, it also chronicles an unfolding contemporary story, as both inmates and guards-united by suffering, but divided by race, class, and culture-hurtle towards a final show-down with the state.

Not Rated.

Released by Icarus Films. See more credits.