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Rehab or treatment for addiction begins with the desire to stop using drugs or alcohol and choose a clean and sober life. For many teens, this may seem like an impossible task especially when their life seems to have lost all meaning. Nearly all addicted teens think they can stop using on their own and most try to stop without treatment. Although many are successful, many continue down the path ofaddiction and on the road of substance dependence.Understanding that addiction has a fundamental biological component may help explain the difficulty in abstinence without treatment.Many teens in addition to having problems with drugs or alcohol also have problems with depression, anxiety, school phobia andpanic attacks. Because they start using drugs at a young age, they don't develop the normal social skills needed to enter adulthood. They have very little disciplinebecause they've never been shown or cultivated those habits. At first teens think using drugs or alcohol helps them fit in and can relieve stress either at home or at school. However, they soon realize it doesn't fix anything and their problems keep coming back and often get worse. This program teaches teens that living a life of addiction is one that can be changed. Personal accomplishments can be achieved and a healthy successful life, without dependence on drugs or alcohol is possible. Subjects covered include: What is recovery or rehab? Why recovery works. Recognizing addiction. Working a program of recovery. The steps of recovery. The multisystemic approach. Life after treatment.

Not Rated.

Released by TMW Media Group. See more credits.