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Miss Friman's War

2019 TV Series/Drama/Foreign Not Rated 699 Minutes

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In Theaters N/A
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On DVD May 28, 2019

Meet the courageous group of women brave enough to take on both the male ruling classes of the day and a corrupt industry. Savvy is their strategy and cans of healthy food are their weapons! It is 1905 in Stockholm, Sweden and peoples lives are changing rapidly due to the introduction of new technologies. At the same time, food poisoning epidemics are common among low-income families and the line between different social groups remains clearly defined. The role of women, however, is supposed to be nothing more than smiling housewives and devoted mothers. This is the situation Dagmar Friman finds herself in when she returns to Sweden after several years in London. She is more than a little headstrong and believes firmly in equal rights for women. Miss Friman and her friends resolve to open a co-op grocery store for women, run by women, called Swedish Homes. It will be a store that sells unspoiled food at prices even workers can afford a revolutionary idea at the time. When the all-male board of the Stockholm Wholesale Association learn about the women's business plans they start fighting back with every trick in the book, including illegal blockades. Will the women have to surrender to all these obstacles, or will they be able to open the first ever Swedish homes store on time?

Not Rated.

Presented in Swedish.

Released by MHz Networks. See more credits.