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Theseus and the Minotaur

2018 Science Fiction Not Rated

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Joshua Kennedy has been inspired by vintage horror and sci-fi practically since he was born. He made his first movie, It Came From The Bathroom, at the age of five. By the time he turned sixteen, his breakout hit The Attack of the Octopus People (2011) had been released on DVD. With storylines that reference the classics and ingenious homegrown special effects, Joshua's films appear to be from another era and are guaranteed to bring a smile to old-school fans. Now he tackles the ancient Greek myths with Theseus and the Minotaur, an affectionate tribute to Ray Harryhausen adventure classics like Jason and the Argonauts (1963) and Clash of the Titans (1981).

In Athens, mad King Minos rules with an iron fist. He sacrifices innocent young men and women to the Minotaur, a horrible monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Only one man can stop him... Theseus, the son of a god with a heart of gold who is destined to be the hero of Athens. The fourteenth film from writer/director/star Joshua Kennedy, Theseus and the Minotaur had its successful world premiere at the 2017 Monster Bash convention in Mars, PA. This version contains extra footage and a new monster not seen in the world premiere. The stop-motion special effects are provided by Ryan Lengyel.

BONUS: Night of the Beast (From Twenty Zillion Years Ago) (2015): An awakened prehistoric beast inadvertently creates its nemesis -a giant radioactive sea monkey -during a night out on the town. Animator Ryan Lengyel, using supplies purchased from a dollar store, crafted this homage to Ray Harryhausen, Jack H. Harris, Japanese kaiju films, and the Dinosaurs Attack! trading cards. Night of the Beast (From Twenty Zillion Years Ago) is the sequel to The Beast From Twenty Zillion Years Ago, Ryan's first film. It was a hit at conventions including Monster Bash, Blobfest, and the B-Movie Celebration.

Not Rated.

Released by Alpha Home Entertainment/Gotham. See more credits.