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Search for: Fritz Kortner

Partial Title Matches: 8

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Avail. Title Year
Blu-rayDVD The People vs. Fritz Bauer

Rudiger Klink
Burghart Klaubner
Andrej Kaminsky
Jorg Schuttauf

Fritz Lang: The Silent Films 2017
The Corpse of Anna Fritz

Albert Carbo
Alba Ribas
Bernat Saumell
Cristian Valencia

Fritz Wunderlich: Life & Legend 2006
Fritz Lang's Indian Epic 2003
Blu-ray Fritz The Cat

Skip Hinnant
Rosetta LeNoire
John McCurry
Judy Engles

Fritz Von Runte: Bowie 2001, A Space Oddity 2011
Blu-ray The Nine Lives of Fritz The Cat

Skip Hinnant
Reva Rose
Bob Holt
Stanley Adams


Availability Icons:
In TheatersNow in or coming soon to THEATERS
Blu-rayOn or coming soon to BLU-RAY
DVDOn or coming soon to DVD