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Halle Berry Digs Her Sexy Moves

Posted Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 8:55 AM Central

by Heather Koehler

Little Miss Halle Berry was tooting her own horn recently as she talked about watching sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton in Monster’s Ball.

“I had an out-of-body experience because I was able to see the sex scene and not see myself. I was able to watch it and go, ‘WOW, look at her!’”

Even though the scene will make audiences shiver, it didn’t do much for her husband, Eric Benet. “He’s a red-blooded man and I don’t think any red-blooded man wants to see his wife like that…After the scene he did excuse himself for five minutes, probably to throw up. He was far from excited,” Berry told the press after they had a private screening before the premiere.

Billy Bob must bring out the best in all his co-stars. Good practice or good equipment? Monster’s Ball is playing at theaters now.