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Dyan Cannon Gets Sued Over Her Faith Healing

Posted Monday, September 24, 2001 at 12:04 PM Central

by Heather Koehler

Long locks beauty Dyan Cannon isn't sitting behind the bench in this courtroom but on the witness stand instead. She's the actress-gone-faith-healer who's evidently lost her powers.

The Ally McBeal star says she can heal people by placing her hands on them. She has aides to catch the healed as they fall to the ground, but this time they had slippery hands and let Melody Taylor fall to the ground, hurting her back.

Dyan's faith healing services take place at meetings, one Melody attended at the persistance of a friend. Her attorney says the people were filing up on stage so his client thought she'd try it out just to see what in the world was going on. He adds, "But at the precise moment Melody leaned backward, the man next to her fell. Cannon's staffers ran to catch him and allowed Melody to fall flat on her back."