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Spielberg To Direct 'Harry Potter 3'?

Posted Monday, September 17, 2001 at 4:25 PM Central

by John Couture

As we reported earlier, filming has already begun for Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, the sequel to the yet-to-be released Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone. But the real story might revolve around the inevitable third installment of the series of children's books turned into feature films.

Director supreme Steven Spielberg, who reportedly turned down the opportunity to direct the first Harry Potter movie, says that he'd really like a shot to work with the third book. "That first story didn't touch me creatively. Now the third Harry Potter book...It's pure genius! Much darker, more esoteric and interesting to me personally. If they'd offer me that, I'd have said yes." Given that they haven't yet started to think about the third installment, it's a pretty good bet that someone will read this and have their people contact his people...