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All of Tarantino's pop culture references in order

Posted Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 11:36 AM Central
Last updated Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 11:36 AM Central

by John Couture

Writer-director Quentin Tarantino is pretty well-known for the numerous pop culture references in his movies. It's his trademark and I'm a firm believer that your level or like or dislike for his movies is directly proportional your enjoyment of these pop culture nuggets.

Given that I grew up in a pop culture world dominated by re-runs and parents who enjoyed the "Oldies" music stations, I've always had a fondness for Quentin's quirky little inclusions. What can I say? I think they help form a bond with the audience and instantly gives a film a "cool factor" knowing that only others like you will appreciate these little gems.

Of course, as Tarantino has become more mainstream, it would seem that his pop culture references have also become more mainstream and there are fewer of them in his latest films. This is a great sign of maturity in Tarantino as a director, but I know that I'm not the only one who misses the great pop culture explosions of his older films.

Thankfully, the geniuses over at College Humor have saved us the time of having to go back and watch all of Tarantino's movies from the beginning by compiling a list of all of the pop culture references from his films. Not only that, but they also put them in chronological order in terms of when the reference was relevant.

Sit back and enjoy this blast through the 20th century from Chaplin to his main man Elvis all the way to Lindsay Lohan. Of course watching this video only made me want to go back and watch all of his films again anyhow.

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