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RiffTrax Live: We will be there!

Posted Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 11:12 AM Central

by John Couture

Do you know what sucks about running a leading entertainment website from the middle of the country? All the really cool movie premieres and functions are usually on one coast or the other.

But that's not always the case.

I am honored and privileged to announce that yours truly and VideoETA will be covering the live RiffTrax event tomorrow night from the wonderful Belcourt theatre here in Nashville, TN. As many of you are aware, RiffTrax is the ongoing project that Mystery Science Theater 3000 alums Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo) and Bill Corbett (Crow T. Robot) have continued in the MST3K vein.

I have been a long-time fan of MST3K and what I like most about RiffTrax is that since they simply sell you the audio over their website, they aren't restricted to older movies because of copyright concerns. So, if you were sitting there in theaters thinking, "man I wish I could listen to the old crew riff Twilight or Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," then you're in luck.

On Thursday, Mike, Kevin and Bill are getting together once again for a spectacular live event. They will be riffing Plan 9 from Outer Space live and beaming it into over 400 theaters nationwide as part of giant simulcast event.

“We love doing live shows – the humor is so infectious it just multiplies the fun,” said Mike Nelson. “So to be able to bring this experience to so many people is very exciting.”

You can check out the event's information by clicking on the embedded widget below. From there you can find out which theaters near you are participating in the event.

For our part, we will be witnessing the live event up close and personal with the stars and we will bring you our thoughts live via our Twitter account @VideoETA and with a follow-up story on Friday with pictures and all that jazz. I'm sure we will also devote a small part of our regular Social Friday to the event as well.

So, check out the live event and in the meantime tell us which movies you'd love to see get the RiffTrax treatment.`