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'2012' gets a new full-length trailer

Posted Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 4:38 PM Central

by John Couture

Sony Pictures just released a new full-length trailer to Roland Emmerich's latest action opus 2012. You might remember that 2012 was moved from the Summer to November to "maximize playability" and given the filmmakers more time to complete the effects heavy movie..

I think you'll agree that the wait is going to pay off in spades once you see the trailer. You can peep it here at the official site until we find a version that we can embed into the story.

Our favorite part of the trailer is when John F. Kennedy "returns" to the White House. I don't think even the Mayans predicted that one!

Tell us what you think of the new trailer and what movies you are looking forward to at the end of this year.