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Next year's Indiana Jones movie gets a title

Posted Monday, September 10, 2007 at 7:51 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

During last night's broadcast of the MTV Video Music Awards live from Las Vegas, Shia LaBeouf announced the title of 2008's Indiana Jones film. The movie will be called Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

You can see the video of Shia's announcement on MTV.com.

LaBeouf stars in the upcoming film along with Indy himself, Harrison Ford; plus Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, and John Hurt. Steven Spielberg once again directs. "Indiana Jones and the City of Gods" was previously rumored to be the title of the fourth Indy installment.

Internet talk is already swirling over what this title means. I won't include them here so as to not expose you to any spoilers. If want get more info on possible explanations of the title, head over to Slash Film.

By the way, those who watched last night's VMAs witnessed another spectacle -- the career of Britney Spears slamming shut.