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Final 'Matrix' movie set for unprecedented release

Posted Friday, May 16, 2003 at 11:37 AM Central

by John Couture

Perhaps they're borrowing something from TV's 24, but the producers of The Matrix: Revolutions are planning a real-time, worldwide rollout of the last movie in the Matrix franchise. Obviously, with the different time zones, some people might have to stay up to 3:00AM to be the first to see it.

While studios are moving towards releasing movies worldwide on the same day to combat illegal pirated copies, this is the first time that someone has attempted a simultaneous release over all time zones.

Although, if one movie is up to the test, The Matrix: Revolutions might be the one. The Matrix: Reloaded released this weekend is already setting records, earning a rumored $10 million in its Wednesday night preview showings.

The Matrix: Revolutions is set for a November 5, 2003 release...of course, if you live on the other side of the International Time Line, that might be a November 6th release. And you thought only the plot was confusing...